When you develop a habit of painting, it will improve your mindset, relieve you from stress and cause a lot of development within your brain cells, and you don't have to be necessarily gifted to enjoy painting; you can honour your skills as time goes by.
Having a basis of the necessary painting technique and various styles to use will drastically go a long way in helping you kick start your artistic journey of using paintings. Therefore, you need to possess some knowledge of colors, brushwork, texture, and tone, and composition to empower you in the journey of creating your masterpieces. This post will set out the essential painting techniques to help you become a pro at painting.
Under painting
When you are about to use oils or acrylics, it would be best not to work from white. Therefore, create an underpinning using burnt umber or phthalo blue and burnt sienna to create value and shadows. Acrylics are suitable during this stage because they dry faster and they are permanent.
When you use paints that take time to dry, start your painting from thin to thick. This is because it will not be possible to do any meaningful painting on top of wet paint. Do the highlighted bits, then add the brightest colors at the end. Have some clean towels at your disposal to use to clean up your brushes and remove excess paint.
Blocking In
You will need brushes for this exercise. It is essential to know that they are available in different shapes and fiber types, and each will give you a different result. The key is to practice with each one of them during painting. The most versatile ones available in the market are the synthetic and sable mixed ones. You can use them for different painting types. Brushes are available in round and flat types, but you can get both kinds.
Working with a wide range of brushes can be helpful. In the initial stages of painting, you can use larger, broader, and flatter brushes. These types will cover larger areas and detail. At the end of your painting work, when you can start to use smaller brushes
Build up your Texture
Using a dry, flat brush, you can proceed to mix and blend your paints as you build a smooth transition. In this process, you can do anything to add texture to your color. You can use different items like sand and eggshells at this point to add interest to your painting.
Dry brushing
After building up your texture, you can use dry brushing to cover specific areas with a dry layer of paint that needs to be perfected. Add just a little paint to your brush and apply it quickly with directional strokes.
This method is essential, and it works best when you are using light paint on top of dark areas or dried paint. It is useful when you want to depict grass and rock textures.
Glazing is a process of laying transparent paint on dry painted parts, and it is used for color modulation and intensifying shadows in your paintwork. For instance, when you paint a translucent blue color on top of the dry yellow, you will end up with green.